This episode of the Turing Church podcast is a conversation between Giulio Prisco and co-host Derik Schwalen on Elon Musk and his recent biography by Walter Isaacson.
Summary: we unrepentantly, unapologetically praise Elon Musk for his relentless effort to make humanity multi-planetary and develop enabling technology along the way. We realize that, of course, he can only be a flawed person like everyone else, but what Elon is doing is more important than other things. Occupy Mars!
See also Giulio’s recent post with thoughts on Elon Musk and a review of Isaacson’s biography.
We recorded this episode from Discord using Craig, a voice channel recording bot for Discord. If you want to participate in future episodes, join our Discord if you haven’t joined already, and stay tuned for the date/time.
This episode comes with a raw transcript generated automatically by Substack, unedited. I (Giulio) was reluctant to use automatic transcription because I have a thick foreign accent and I thought the system wouldn’t transcribe my words well, but this transcript seems almost good enough.
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