Oct 12, 2021Liked by Giulio Prisco

Absolutely. Even physicists who see things via an ideological prism, love to exclude conflicting data. After dealing directly with a couple of these, my conclusion is that they, like all their ideological cohorts, as an addict or alcoholic simply haven't hit bottom yet. For this, cast your eyes to American news items. This will be true of both economics especially in the next 120 days. It is also how people who are ideologically-minded, behave toward others. Allow me, Doctor!


The Moral of the story is being "practical," is far better than "ideological," because ideology is often a suicide pact Now, Is the TuringChurch ideological? No. Neither is modern day Cosmism.

Lastly, Professor, I have noticed that some women instinctively, pray to the "universe," seemingly, which reminds me of Cosmism. I suspect their instincts are magically correct.


Conclusion? Ok, Windows 10 was a pain, but 11 is here and seems a bit better. If the Universe can learn perhaps, Microsoft, and maybe, perhaps even the rest of us!

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Very interesting paper! See also:


"God" is a simple 3-letter words and "the Universe" is two words and 11 letters, so in the spirit of economy I'll continue to think of God. Others are of course free to think of the Universe instead.

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Oct 12, 2021Liked by Giulio Prisco

Understood. Still, things do have a cause and effect in the Newtonian sense and I do believe that on the quantum level this also occurs as well. The things I choose, are not politics, which seem forced upon me, but technology. Why deal with the playgrounds of the super rich and their lawyers that are employed by these, as politicians, if we can have a material fix?

Hence, a new study that came out last week from universities such as Columbia in the US, and Imperial in the UK indicate that just putting the right photovoltaics on our roofs, plus batteries, would yield 27 petawatts per year. This is more than 4.5 times the current yearly consumption of electricity.


Innovations such as this, plus, 3D printing, might yield a world society that by changing the "means of production ~Engels & Marx" would change the politics. Just a thought, Dr.

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Unfortunately, practical solutions that work are not emphasized in today ideology-saturated climate.

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by Giulio Prisco

The Nobel Committee has always been doubtful in whom and how it chooses its nominees. Witness the Peace Prize for Obama in 2009 over more eligible candidates as an example. That these the committee would decide that the pioneers in demonstrating quantum physics are not what they are looking for, seems like we can afford to look elsewhere to reward those who truly deserve an award this year. I will be downloading Virk's multiverse, in a minute. Do I believe it? (Shrug) will I consider it, sure, why not?

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Concerning Obama, in 2009 I wondered what he had actually done to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. I thought a US President should receive the Prize at the end of his mandate after having done very important things, not at the beginning.

But then I realized that, in this case, the vary fact of having been the first black person to win the US Presidency was more than enough to secure Obama's place in history and justify the Nobel Peace Prize.

So here's to Obama. But the Nobel Peace Prize is explicitly meant to reward breakthroughs in politics and social issues. The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Medicine, and Chemistry should reward good science regardless of political considerations.

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Giulio Prisco

he Breakthrough Prize seems superbly, excellent Dr. Prisco. I had heard of it, but passed it by, because I head for the science websites for daily information. Your "Wisdom of the Crowds," by James Surowiecki is impeccable. To experience the 8 year run of the Obama administration was to see an American decline. A self-willed decline that the Rich were good with, as long as it didn't include them personally. Trump was the reaction against Obama, now was Biden the reaction against Trump? I say partly, because he liked to push back, and he has the personality of a used car salesman. What devoured his presidency was likely Covid. Also Biden seemed moderate, spoke moderate, and promised the crowds money (Bread & Circuses as coined by an Italian fellow, named Juvenal!).

Now we have 2 things going on at the same time. We have Covid-delta devouring Biden's presidency & His economic and political policies that push for an American decline, just as his former boss Barrack insisted upon. I am just an American serf so I don't pay close attention to all that matters. Here is another feature that could change things that I stumbled across yesterday.

"136 countries agreed to enforce a corporate tax rate of at least 15%"


So, why should I even think of this, screw the rich, who cares? My thought is that along with everything else the "progressives" want (an odd mix of stalinists + corporations), the 136 are doing Stalin + Bukharin's policy of 'Socialism in One Country,' because if you flee to another country where things are just the same as with the Soviet Union you gain nothing!

My thinking is that these Elites will now fund the opposition as they funded the Democrats in 2020, and out of shock switch back over to the conservatives. They wanted their China Money back in order to push up their corporate income!!! Thus freeing the US from the progressives increasingly dictatorial rule. When the 136 have their way Dr. Prisco, I doubt Bitcoin will have safety ;-)

Last, any issue with the Sinopharm shot? Keep well Dr. Prisco, because the world needs independent scientists. On economics I remain a Keynesian.

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Well you can describe everything (even physical phenomena!) as a reaction to what came before, so yes, in a sense Obama was a reaction to Bush, and Trump was a reaction to Obama, and Biden is a reaction to Trump...

I only wish we reacted to what we like as passionately as we react to what we dislike. Here's a quote from Bill Gates' last book:

"I hope you’ll spend more time and energy supporting whatever you’re in favor of than opposing whatever you’re against."

I totally agree.

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You will have to wait a week to read Virk's simulated multiverse book. Comes out on October 15.

I have the impressions that the Nobel Prizes have become like the Oscars, which are now meant to reward things that, while valuable, have nothing to do with the quality of the films. For films, these days I don't pay attention to the Oscars and I trust box offices much more than committees: if many people go watch a film, it is probably good and worth watching.

The same could apply to science, but many scientists are not interested in explaining the importance of their work to the people.

In the meantime, I think the Breakthrough Prizes are more significant than the Nobel Prizes.


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