This particular personality cult is A Good Thing. Also, a conversation on universal resurrection with Cometan.
3/8/22 Greetings. Valuable exposition of Musk's contributions on Sustainability The article below may be of relevance:
M. Radh Achuthan
Professor of Physics, LIU, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, Retd. Aug 2021
B.S., University of Madras, 1956 ; M.S., (E.E), 1962 , University of Missouri, M.S. (Physics) 1964, Ph.D., 1976, Union Institute, Ohio.
Thanks, and thanks for the article!
3/8/22 Greetings. Valuable exposition of Musk's contributions on Sustainability The article below may be of relevance:
M. Radh Achuthan
Professor of Physics, LIU, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, Retd. Aug 2021
B.S., University of Madras, 1956 ; M.S., (E.E), 1962 , University of Missouri, M.S. (Physics) 1964, Ph.D., 1976, Union Institute, Ohio.
Thanks, and thanks for the article!
Thanks, and thanks for the article!