The Terasem Space Day Colloquium of 2023 was held on July 20, via Zoom. Speakers: Christopher E. Mason, Stellar Magnet, Clément Vidal, Todd A. Drashner & Trond Nilsen, Max More, Tom W. Bell.
This video is also on YouTube.
On July 20, the anniversary of the first human landing on the Moon, the speakers explored long-term perspectives on human space expansion, and the intersections of human space expansion with highly imaginative, far-out concepts in science, philosophy, and politics (and science fiction of course).
Highlights: remaking humans with bioengineering and synhetic biology for space expansion (Mason); a social, cooperative spacefaring roadmap for the next century (Stellar Magnet); cosmic evolution, complexity, exotic vitology, cosmist values (Vidal); the magnificent collaborative science fiction universe of Orion’s Arm (Drashner & Nilsen); powerful libertarian arguments and legal/political enablers for space expansion (More & Bell).
Speakers bios and abstracts
00:00:00 - Short introduction by Giulio Prisco
00:03:50 - Christopher E. Mason
00:36:05 - Stellar Magnet
01:07:20 - Clément Vidal
01:42:50 - Todd A. Drashner & Trond Nilsen
02:19:10 - Max More
02:48:20 - Tom W. Bell
The video on YouTube has direct links to the individual talks.
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