Greetings to all readers and subscribers, and special greetings to the paid subscribers!
This is an update on the new projects that I have in mind. But first:

I just learned that my friend Ralph Abraham, mathemagician exraordinaire and spiritual teacher, has recently passed on. I’ll write a tribute to him. In the meantime, read my 2017 story “Mathemagician Ralph Abraham: We Need Another Miracle,” published in Mondo 2000.

I finally received the paperback edition of my new book “Irrational mechanics: Narrative sketch of a futurist science & a new religion.”

In the picture above I’m reading it. Join me: buy my book on Amazon (Kindle | paperback).
I’m pleased to report that an Italian collaborator is translating my book into Italian, and she is doing great work. Hopefully, an Italian edition of my book will be published in a few months.
Completing this book has been my main focus for the last two years. I’ve tried to write down what I think about life, the universe, and everything as concisely and precisely as I can. This has been quite exhausting.
So what the fuck am I going to do next?
Of course I want to do more hiking and swimming. And of course I have more interesting projects in my mind than time to work on them, so I have to be selective.
I want to do less solitary thinking & writing and more talking & discussing, so I’ll be participating more actively in the mailing lists and discussion groups that I follow. Also, stay tuned for more Turing Church podcast episodes. At this moment X Spaces is my favorite platform to record podcasts with guests and audience. Follow me on X and join the Turing Church community on X if you want to be notified of upcoming Spaces, and feel free to come and listen.
X is the only social network that I actively participate in at this moment. I also post pictures (mostly dogs, nature, and food) and occasional comments to Instagram and Facebook, but X is where I interact and discuss.
Unfortunately, I see a 50% chance that X might not even exist in a few months. If that happens, I’ll be an active user until the very end. But (and again, unfortunately), it seems wise to look for alternatives.
I think today’s world needs decentralized internet systems that are uncensorable and unblockable by design. There are plenty of wannabe dictators around (these days they call themselves nicer names) and therefore, if cyberspace can be censored, it will be censored. We need an uncensorable cyberspace.
So I’ll continue to follow developments in decentralized internet technologies. The prototypes that I have seen so far don’t really work (in the sense of operational reliability and usability), but some almost work. In other words, perhaps we are almost there. I’ll try to find and promote the best projects, and perhaps I’ll be able to give a little contribution now and then.
I’m co-organizing the Terasem Colloquium on December 14, the anniversary of the last day astronauts have been on the Moon. Apollo 17 astronauts Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt launched back to Earth from the Moon on December 14, 1972. See this post for a list of videos of previous Terasem Colloquia.
The Colloquium will explore recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cyberconsciousness.
A related issue of Terasem’s “Journal of Personal Cyberconsciousness” (Vol. 12, Issue 1 - 2024) will be published in December.
We have great plans for the Terasem Journal. We’ll relaunch it as a reputable high-impact journal with an Advisory and Editorial Committee, a light form of peer review, and a new website.
I’ll say more about the Terasem Colloquium & Journal soon.
I’ll keep working at my VR project - spaceport9684, a VR spaceport on a long strip of land in the sea built with Croquet (Microverse World Builder). I’ll add a moonbase and other microverses built with the same platform, with teleport links to the spaceport.
I like having a small corner of the metaverse that I’ve built with my own hands. This is and will remain a little garage project, so don’t expect a major metaverse venue, but I hope to do some interesting things, including Turing Church gathering and talks in VR.
In parallel I’ll continue to follow metaverse technology and try to spot The Next Big (virtual) Thing, the new Second Life of this decade.
And of course I’ll continue to follow interesting developments in science & technology and write about the developments that I find especially interesting in a WOW, existential sense. Stay tuned.